
FREE MICROSOFT EXCEL TUTORIAL / Learn free online Microsoft excel

Introduction to Microsoft Excel What is Microsoft Excel? Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program used to analyze data and record number and text. In Microsoft Excel we can use many features like calculations, pivot tables, graphs, automation by macros etc. in Excel columns and rows makes a table. Columns are align it right to left with A,B,C names, and  rows are align in Up to Down in numbers. where column and row meet together is called cell. The cell represent the column and the number together. Where you can get Microsoft Excel? There are number of ways in which you can get Microsoft Excel. You can buy it from a cybercafé or computer shop . Microsoft Excel is part of the Microsoft Office. or you can download it from the Microsoft website and have to purchase it before use. In this Microsoft Excel tutorial, we are going to cover the following topics about MS Excel. How to Open Microsoft Excel? Understanding the Ribbon Understanding the worksheet Customization Microsoft Excel Environ

All Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys

  All Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys Function keys :- F1 Display Help or the Office Assistant F2 Edit the active cell F3 Paste a name into a formula F4 Repeat the last action F5 Go To F6 Move to the next pane F7 Spelling command F8 Extend a selection F9 Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks F10 Make the menu bar active F11 Create a chart F12 Save As command Key Action SHIFT+ arrow key Extend the selection by one cell CTRL+SHIFT+ arrow key Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell SHIFT+HOME Extend the selection to the beginning of the row CTRL+SHIFT+HOME Extend the selection to the beginning of the worksheet CTRL+SHIFT+END Extend the selection to the last cell used on the worksheet (lower-right corner) CTRL+SPACEBAR Select the entire column SHIFT+SPACEBAR

Vlookup Formula in Microsoft excel

VLOOKUP Check below example and try to use in excel in real time for better understanding Blue text start with "=" is the formula we used VLOOKUP FORMULA   What Does It Do ? This function scans down the row headings at the side of a table to find a specified item. When the item is found, it then scans across to pick a cell entry. Syntax =VLOOKUP(ItemToFind,RangeToLookIn,ColumnToPickFrom,SortedOrUnsorted) The ItemToFind is a single item specified by the user. The RangeToLookIn is the range of data with the row headings at the left hand side. The ColumnToPickFrom is how far across the table the function should look to pick from. The Sorted/Unsorted is whether the column headings are sorted. TRUE for yes, FALSE for no. Formatting The result is shown as a number. Example 1 This table is used to find a value based on a specified name and month. The =VLOOKUP() is used to scan down to find the name. The problem arises when we need to scan across to find the mon

Year Formula in Microsoft excel

    YEAR Check below example and try to use in excel in real time for better understanding Blue text start with "=" is the formula we used   What Does It Do ? This function extracts the year number from a date. Syntax =YEAR(Date) Formatting The result is shown as a number. "> If You Want free Stuffs or Products check our   For More Offers  SUBSCRIBE US    To Support US  Donate Now

UPPER Formula in Microsoft excel

UPPER Check below example and try to use in excel in real time for better understanding Blue text start with "=" is the formula we used   What Does It Do ? This function converts all characters in a piece of text to upper case. Syntax = UPPER(TextToConvert) Formatting No special formatting is needed. BACK TO HOME PAGE If You Want free Stuffs or Products check our   For More Offers  SUBSCRIBE US To Support US  Donate Now

TRIM Formula in Microsoft excel

   TRIM Check below example and try to use in excel in real time for better understanding Blue text start with "=" is the formula we used TRIM FORMULA What Does It Do ? This function removes unwanted spaces from a piece of text. The spaces before and after the text will be removed completely. Multiple spaces within the text will be trimmed to a single space Syntax =TRIM(TextToTrim) Formatting No special formatting is needed. BACK TO HOME PAGE If You Want free Stuffs or Products check our   For More Offers  SUBSCRIBE US To Support US  Donate Now