MID Formula in Microsoft excel



Check below example and try to use in excel in real time for better understanding

Blue text start with "=" is the formula we used


What Does It Do ?

This function picks out a piece of text from the middle of a text entry.
The function needs to know at what point it should start, and how many characters to pick.
If the number of characters to pick exceeds what is available, only the available characters will be picked.




No special formatting is needed.


The following table uses the =MID() function to extract a post code from a branch ID used by a company.
It is assumed that all branch ID's follow the same format with the letters identifying the postal region being in the 5th and 6th positions.

Example 2

This example shows how to extract an item which is of variable length, which is inside a piece of text which has no standard format, other than the required text is always between two slash / symbols.

Find the first /, plus 1 for the Start of the code.
Find the second /, occurring after the first /
Calculate the length of the text to extract, by subtracting the position
of the first / from the position of the second /


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